Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Updates and thoughts

Michael is in the middle of his 15th chemo treatment.  I cannot believe all we have put his body through as we fight this disease.  It's amazing to me that he has kept going.  I will never complain about being exhausted again!  We are starting to see what could be our first bit of positive results from all of this.  His CEA numbers are finally going down.  They spiked up to 8.5 a few weeks ago and now they are down to 3.7!!!  We leave on July 5th for our next trip to MD Anderson in Houston to take a look at what is going on in his liver.  With the CEA numbers going in the right direction, we are cautiously optimistic.  My hope is that we will see a dramatic reduction in tumor size that will allow for a surgery soon to get them all the way out.  We will know Friday if we are there yet.

The kids seem to be used to our "new normal" of life with cancer.  They could not have done this without the help of friends, family, church, and Wonders and Worries.  We are hoping that after this is behind us (will it ever really be?) they feel like there is nothing in life that they can't handle.  Their childhood is certainly different than our plan for them.  It's a reminder that you don't have as much control over life as you think.  You can only really control your reaction to the cards you are dealt.  What a lesson.

I have a true sense of inner peace about it all right now.  I feel that it will all turn out okay.  This doesn't mean I am immune to bouts of crying or hand wringing anxiety, but I am overall at peace.  I feel stronger than ever when I lean on my faith and I'm reminded of His gifts when I feel the love gathered around me during this time.

Overall life is really so good.

Monday, January 16, 2012

The benefit this weekend was insanely, incredibly amazing. We were both moved to tears at different times. Our kids talked of how much love they felt from so many people. Daphnie summed it up by saying, "Mom, I don't really understand why, but there are a lot of people who love us." Indeed. We have never experienced anything quite so overwhelmingly wonderful in our lives. The effort put into the event, the incredible donations for the auction, the music, the food, the fact that so many people came.... The list goes on and on. Where do we start with giving thanks? How do we even say thank you? How do you show the proper amount of appreciation for this outpouring of love? These are questions I can't answer. I start to think about it and I'm brought to tears -- tears of gratitude. Know that every single person who was there (in person or in spirit) has changed our lives for the better. We are the lucky ones, we are blessed, we are lifted up and it is because of the love that all of you have shown us.

Amazing grace. We are humbled, we are thankful, we are loved and we thank you for that.

Felicia and Michael